Mobile Data Collection


South Lanarkshire Wardens using the mobile app in the field

Our Award Winning Android Mobile Data Collection Application

Simple, intuitive, customisable app

Allows upload of collected data

  • Free text

  • Pick Lists

  • Image capture

  • Date / time

  • Address selection

  • Coordinates capture

Allows download of workload data and upload of collected data

Will operate with all Caseworks Modules and can work with other systems

Applications for the App

Estate inspections

Allows the user to record environmental issues – categorise, describe, locate and order works. Then allows users to list O/S items and record completions and poor work

Tenancy Audit

Allows the user to list prioritised addresses to visit, record and upload using multiple entry forms, the needs of the household and all the members of it

Estate Scoring

Let Tenants score their estates with a super-easy data capture form guided by a gallery of pictures to introduce consistency

Home Visits for Anti-Social Behaviour and Tenancy Sustainment

The user can list persons to be visited, to collect their account of an issue. Data Capture allows a Incidents to be recorded, an Action Plan to be agreed, signed for and immediately emailed in confirmation

Award winning system

In partnership with South Lanarkshire Council, this app won the “Good Communications Award”